Affidavit Farm Structure Exemption

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Affidavit Farm Structure Exemption



    Farm buildings and structures are exempt from the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code (USBC). In order to qualify for this exemption, the structure must be a specific purpose which is directly related to an operating farm. The Code of Virginia §36-97 and Section 102.3.6 of the 2012 edition of the USBC defines a farm building/structure as follows:

    Farm Building or Structure: A building or structure not used for residential purposes, located on the property where farming operations take place and used primarily for any of the following uses or combination thereof:

    1. Storage, handling, production, display, sampling or sale of agricultural, horticultural, floricultural or silvicultural products produced in the farm.
    2. Sheltering, raising, handling, processing or sale of agricultural animals or agricultural animal products.
    3. Business or office uses relating to the farm operations.
    4. Use of farm machinery or equipment or maintenance or storage of vehicles, machinery or equipment on the farm.
    5. Storage or use of supplies and materials used on the farm.
    6. Implementation of best management practices associated with farm operations.

    Such buildings or structures lying within a flood plain or in a mudslide-prone area are subject to flood proofing and/or mudslide regulations. This exemption does not apply to any building or portion thereof used or operated as a restaurant and licensed by the Board of Health.

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